I am so excited and super grateful to all of you who have been after me to release Exit, thanks to my amazing Twitch family! You can help me so much by pre-saving it now, sharing it everywhere & adding it to your playlists when it gets released!
I'm really hoping that with your help I can make this my transition song like "Ocean Eyes" was for Billie Eilish. Getting me enough "data" numbers that can get me noticed :)
I've got some really great surprises for you coming soon when it releases just after midnight Tuesday night/Wed morning July 21st! omg..that's next Wednesday!! We're gonna celebrate alllllll week!!
Normally you release the fully produced song & music video first, but you know me, I'm a little different & this was the only way I could get it to you quickly. Plus everyone who's heard it is more used to the acoustic version!
I made the acoustic music video with you in mind, so I hope you like it too! That releases at 10 am PDT on Wed July 21! Please like, comment, share & watch it to the end!! That helps a lot with the algorithms on Youtube so more people can see it.
Thank you so so much for all your help! Let's do this!!
