hi all! i'm starting a blog here on my website to keep you more up to date on what's happening in my life! soooooo much happening in 2020, so make sure you sign up below to make sure you are on my mailing list & be the first to know!
this weekend I went to NAMM for the first time and met some amazing people like Quincy Jones! ha ha, can you see me in the audience? he was very inspiring and it reminded me of his great quote on new years eve:
"In 2020, may we master the art of balancing “making it happen” with “letting it happen”! "
that's really my prayer and wish for 2020 - how about you?
Hi Heavenly! I'm visiting your new website and blog! I want to find out what you have here. I'm sure it will be as wonderful as you are. I know I will enjoy every page.
Fantastic way to keep up to date with you! Love John xx
Hi Heavenly! Happy to sign up for your newsletters and keeping up with your accomplishments in 2020!👏👏👏👏👏
Awesome! Congrats! Can't wait to hear more of what you are up to & Quincy Jones is a national treasure!!